Innovation and Research in Nutritional Formulations Intended for Clinical Practice
Such formulations are comprised of essential nutrients to offer by patients for action in physiological and metabolic maintenance. Composition of this nutrition formulations are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, vitamins and water. Further still intact macronutrients or pre- digested amino acid way and lipid fractions, or molecular structures form of inorganic or organic micronutrients. Among its variations, nutritional formulations may also contain functional ingredients such as probiotics, prebiotics or new differentiated sources of nutrients that have demonstrated their ability to metabolic and functional activity in the body. It should be noted, therefore, that there is high possibility that such variation and nutritional formulations to be can meet a large number of people. The applications of these formulations for different groups or needs to be well defined and designed to meet the need and to ensure correctly the effects of nutrients in the most diverse population groups. We know that many products fail to perform its function in the organism due to interactions between nutrients in the formulation. Some problems occur from error in the form and content of nutrients present in these products or individual changes in digestion, absorption and utilization of nutrients. Or both when was association of diseases or mutations in body. The importance of studying nutritional formulations that are intended for clinical practice eventually reaches, directly, all people seeking health and wellness and in parallel with those in need of an energy intake and nutrients differently for their individual needs in disease conditions.