Industry Field:
Resource and Environmental Technology
The catalysts in BugJuice convert insoluble BOD to soluble simple sugars and materials so the bacteria can digest it. This process promotes great sludge reduction.
Industry Field:
Resource and Environmental Technology
MetaFLO utilizes unique blends of polymers and minerals to provide the most effective reagent available for treatment.
Industry Field:
High-tech Services
The project is a bundle of services of : PE Fund + Business Accelerator for Israeli companies in China.
Industry Field:
High-tech Services
The main objective of the project is to develop innovation rehabilitation devices for elder people suffering from neurodegenerative impairment.has a strong background in serious games f
Industry Field:
High-tech Services
Design, manufacture and test of a very low noise and high gain receivers.
Industry Field:
New Energy and Energy-saving Technology
The project seeks to create a computer tool to implement energy saving measures in a region of China (still to be defined), according to geomorphological and constructive resources, considering geo
Industry Field:
New Energy and Energy-saving Technology
The XyloSteam Gasification Technology is used used for Steam Generation and other Thermal Applications, small and medium Industrial end users, ranging from 1 t/h of Steam to 30 t/h of Steam.
Industry Field:
Biological and New Medical Technology
The use of zebrafish for discovering the properties of natural products with potential medicinal use has been deeply validated by twenty years of research all around the world.
Industry Field:
Electronics and Information Technology
FIONA (www.sparking together.com) is a cognitive computing cloud platform.
Industry Field:
New Energy and Energy-saving Technology
Our technology is drying organic waste for recycling. During drying process, the moisture part is being taken out only, while the other solid part remains as it is.